Saturday, September 26, 2009

Refashioned Rollee Pollee Pack

I'm feeling kind of proud of myself over this instructions...just a hand-me-down pack, a seam ripper, some stock fabric, ribbon and Berdi (my sewing machine).

E started pre-school and I received a "Rollee Pollee" that the school had left over from a previous student for free (yeah!) - I knew the family that had used it and I trust it was clean and gently used! :) The nap-time blanket was in excellent condition but the clear plastic backpack that you put it in was pretty beat up...and I just couldn't have E toting around just anything, could I?

So I rumaged through my stash of fabric, seam ripped the beat up plastic thing to use as a patern (saving the arm straps...because some how those stayed in pretty good condition) and ta-da!!

E is so stylin'!

1 comment:

  1. super cute elyse! "e" is totally stylin'. :) i love the idea of refurbishing the bag. very clever. and the fabric is jungley awesome. ;)
