{Burp Clothes}
Confession: I saved almost every nasty cloth diaper type burp rag from my first baby.
Because I used them on a daily basis, they were the most used/most haggard baby item I owned. BUT because I'm cheep I didn't get new ones for this new baby...I just dyed them and put some scrap fabric down the middle to fancy them up a bit. Hopefully these will survive the first few months with more grace and style then they did when they were plain.
(with the plain rags, after the first dozen washed I was actually embarrassed when I pulled them out at church. I was constantly repressing the urge to assure anyone who was in eye shot of them that they were indeed clean...just loved)
Yeah, so I'm really diggin' the ones you gals gave me. I keep one by the bed, one on the couch, one in the diaper bag...